Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Netflix to stream online content

The news today from Reuters, a global news agency, reports that Netflix and Dreamworks have teamed up. Netflix will be streaming content online rather than cable through a collaboration with Discovery Communications. (Discovery channel, Animal Planet and other multimedia platforms). According to Reuters, Netflix' (NFLX -Nasdaq symbol), stock went up 7% today when the news broke. Reuters reported high shares at $137.88. However, after I researched the Nasdaq site to validate the Reuters information, their official high was actually $134.99 with an official end of day closing price at $127.49. Rather than a 7% rise according to Reuters, Netflix stock officially dropped to 3.6%. Somebody didn't do their research. Dreamworks, (DWA-Nasdaq symbol) low today was $18.90 a share with an official close price of $19.90 up 3.02%. Discovery Communications Nasdaq-DISCA, low $41.53, high $42.77, close price $41.78. up 0.29%. My question was why did the Netflix stock price go down even after this announcement? Dreamworks and Discovery went up. After more research I found a site named "The Street" that cleared up my question. Apparently the streaming will not be available until 2013. With all the rapid changes in technology anything can happen by that time. Also in my opinion if they will be streaming older movies, will people watch them online? The article also mentions that and Fox have negotiated their own deals to do the same service. Today AMZN-(Nasdaq) low=$222.40, high:$234.75, close price $224.21 down 2.45%. Fox Television Networks also known as Fox Chase Bancorp, Inc. Nasdaq symbol=FXCB stock chart shows for today September 27, 2011, low $12.27 per share, high=$12.77, closing price=$12.57. Down 0.87%. I am not a financial expert or analyst but from reading the information and looking at the figures from today it may be apparent that consumers are not prepared for this change. I did one more google search titled "Wall street and Netflix" not really expecting a return but sure enough on Yahoo! Finance the article stated that "Netflix...features...bad watchers say the split could cause more subscribers to drop the service".

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

©Spotify launches in U.S.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Roaring Sun Productions: © SPOTIFY 
© SPOTIFY U.S. Launch
Swedish music streaming service "SPOTIFY" arrived in the U.S. on Thursday July, 14, 2011. In my opinion one more way to rip-off Musicians. According to a report on,
a $0.99 ©Amazon iTunes download nets the artist $0.09, record label gets $0.53. An ©iTunes $9.99 album download=$0.94 to the artist, $5.35 to the label. ©Rhapsody= $0.0022 to the Artist with $0.0091 to the Label.
©Spotify figures: the worst yet: Artist=$0.0016, Label=$0.00029. At the news was that
Lady Gaga, with 1 million streams on Spotify only netted $167! As a future Talent Agent/Manager I will not consider managing a musician or a band unfortunately. With these types of figures, my salary would be practically non-existent if my Artist and I had to rely solely on these for income. With the rocketing cost of live Touring, I really feel for Musicians. As a matter of fact just recently I spoke with a young Musician about this issue and she as well was concerned for her future. Although Spotify claims their company has lowered Piracy figures in Europe, people will still share their playlists with others for free. Free music is still available through online radio. Spotify's claim to fame is that they stream non-buffered offline. Even so, it is easy to record your own playlists from radio, youtube, etc.= Piracy. In the U.K. the Digital Economy Act Law was passed on April 8, 2010. This law basically is "Big Brother" suppressing the internet. They now have the authority to investigate a citizens use of the Internet, determine if they are infringing on copyrights, then
 impose fines according to the deed done. They also have the authority to deny any further access to the internet to the registered IP address.
My future as a Talent Agent/Manager will be a challenging one as Technology and Laws regarding Artists change with the times.

Non-Profit Organization

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Non-Profit Organization

     Structuring and forming a Non-profit organization is a daunting task.
     In 2009, after 50 years of performances The Orlando Opera went bankrupt. Led by Judith Lee in late 2009, a group of renegade women saved Opera in Orlando. No small endeavor! Plagued by naysayers of the community these pioneering women placed their best spirits forward and proved the  © Grinch(es)©(1957 Ted Geisel) wrong. I have been to a "How to" seminar on Non-profits and the amount of legal paperwork, red tape and fees is a course unto itself. In order to accomplish all the goals necessary the biggest assets are: People. Especially people you can trust.
     Mrs. Lee is a soft spoken, calm, carry a big stick personality. Her passion for Opera and Singers inspired many individuals to support this cause. © Florida Opera Theatre, Inc. is now 2 years young and recently added several former Orlando Opera personnel. Notable FOT Staff members include: Robin Jensen, present Artistic Director of UCF's opera program. She is spearheading FOT's new Youth Company. Robin Stamper, Music Director and Frank McLain, FOT Artistic Director.
 Judith Lee, in a short 2 years has accomplished a major, pivotal scenario for Opera in Orlando.
     Her self-awareness, patience and passion led me to choose her as an example of an effective leader. As a "participative" Manager with excellent interpersonal skills Mrs. Lee delegated important tasks as well as asked for advice with her weak points.
    My role as a Director's Assistant (volunteer) for FOT's fundraiser ORLANDO IDOL 2011 brought many rewards for my personal, artistic and Professional outlook. Mrs. Lee does not receive monetary compensation nor do any of the Board members. Yet, under her wings this is a truly inspired TEAM. For more information on Florida Opera Theatre and/or Florida Opera Theatre Youth Company: or website

Project and Team Management

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Project and team management can be a complicated.  Understanding a Team's dynamics is the primary objective for a project. Personality differences, lifestyles, psychological variables affect team members therefore the project, on a daily basis. Patience, understanding and organization by the team manager will lead to an increased successful project launch.

The Right To Be A Creative Content Writer

                               (And how to “writefully” protect your words)
Words are everywhere. Unspoken thoughts running around in your head when you go to bed. They’re still there when you get up. You don’t “hear “ them with your ears but you do, with whatever that sense is in your brain that makes you “think” you can hear them. Thoughts. Subjective. Can’t be legislated or controlled by others when they’re still unspoken or unwritten. But as soon as you open your mouth and speak, pick up a writing or drawing tool and place those hieroglyphics known as letters and symbols on whatever surface you choose, here come the critics. If they see them. Or hear them. Wait…those are my words and my letters and symbols. What right do you have to censor my subjectives? Or pay me less than what I’m worth because you didn’t like my story, even though I followed the criteria? Hey, you just plain out and out stole my ideas and words because you’re too stupid to come up with something original yourself. Well guess what.
I am a member of a Writer’s labor union in the United States so organized that in 2007- 
2008, we shut down television. (Image Some economists put the loss at $2.1 billion. The Writer’s Guild of America represents writers from television and film as well as other content-based media. On August 24, 2011, 6:17 pm, the Los Angeles Times reported the following news: CBS Web writer-producers get first guild contract.” “The Writers Guild of America, West has signed its first contract covering news writing and promotions for the Internet. This week about 15 Web writer-producers working in television and radio news and promotions at CBS studios in the Los Angeles area ratified their first-ever contract with CBS, the guild said in a statement. The three-year agreement includes increases in minimum wages and establishes grievance procedures and paid vacations as well as health and pension benefits.” ( The political and legislative departments of the WGA (West and East branches) actively advocate government policy issues that affect writers who are members. Concerns such as Health and pension benefits, new media content and web rights, were in the forefront of the 2007-2008 strikes. As new avenues of expression open up on the worldwide web, the WGA has shown that a democratic support system (Guild Council members are voted in) can protect a writer and influence the government and established entertainment industry conglomerations. The WGA maintains a “strike list” of companies and entertainment corporations with unfair practices on their website. WGA offers a large range of member services .To get a full view of how to protect your writing and your career as a writer, visit the Writer’s Guild of America West or Writer’s Guild of America East websites. WGA also maintains The Writer’s Foundation East that offers fellowships and charitable grants to writers. (