Into the next
Frontier: Holograms
first encounter with holographic images, other than novelty store items, was in
the movie Star Wars. It was then that I knew, this is the future of
entertainment. With the ever-increasing addiction to instant high visual
stimulus perpetrated by constant input form cell phones, this pad that pad,
explosive cg action, this generation of consumers will soon tire of the 3D
world and seek out a new frontier. Holograms will temporarily curb the
addiction. At the 2006 Grammy awards, created with the Musion Eyeliner
holographic system, San Diego company Smith’s AV, produced a concert whereby
the band “GORILLAZ” accompanied the incomparable Madonna onstage. Totally
interactive it was a great illusion. Increasing numbers of stars are beginning
to utilize holograms. Black-eyed Peas, rock concert Coachella with a TuPac
hologram, created a sensation. The Presley estate has recently approved a
hologram of Elvis Presley. Digital Domain, a Port St. John, Florida company
will be in charge of resurrecting Elvis. This will create a substantial amount
of income for the Presley estate once the hologram “goes on tour”. The TuPac
hologram was allegedly priced between $100,000 and $400,000 dollars. That’s
pocket change for the KING who’s Graceland Estate in Tennessee brings in over
$42 million dollars a year. Not bad for a dead guy.
As a
recent graduate from an Entertainment University the possibilities may exist to
acquire a business position within those golden wall-ets. Touring with a dead
guy would look great on my resume. Except, what do you feed a hologram?
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